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5 laughs 11/23/2013

Sharing is caring!

It’s been a while and I seriously just adore Melissa over at The Mommyhood Chronicles.  I’ve missed linking up for a while but had some pretty awesome laughs to share!  Enjoy!

1. Eyan: Mom when I’m bigger, I don’t want to be your baby forever.  I just wanna be big so I can drive all the vehicles.  {heart breaks and melts all at once}.
2. Teacher: Eyan what are you thankful for?  Eyan: “just being Eyan”.  Well played kid.
3. Girls at Eyans School:  “Eyan pees standing up like this (makes the boy standing pose).”  Oh dear God child, shut the door!
4. Emberlynn is just killing me with her little personality.  Her little snotty face gets me daily! 
5. Kid in my class: “Mrs. Funk, I interviewed at — and one of the questions was ‘who is your favorite teacher?’ I chose you!”  Me:  “Well thanks kid.”  Kid:  “It gets better, the interview lady said I was the 8th kid to interview with her from our school and that they all said you…then she said ‘I clearly need to meet Mrs. Funk'”. Who ever said teaching wouldn’t make you famous 🙂

Sharing is caring!

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Sunday 24th of November 2013

#5 is awesome! There is nothing better than when my former students argue over who misses me most! Teaching is such an awesome experience! :0)

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